Gallery Space 7
It is a set that arises from "Form and Void," the large installation-collage exhibited at the MAM (Museum of Modern Art) in early 2013, and from the set of small collages that accompanied it. The perfect correspondence between the cut form and the space that arises from this intervention, and that we see moving in various and diverse sets and combinations. Fernando Varela, Form and Void, in: Origins and Primary Forms, MAM, 2013.
In "Recent Works," the pieces preserve their essential premises: the antagonistic, the dual that arises from unity and transforms into a triad; the masculine and the feminine, the creation and origin of life, or of new forms and new lives.
Like Hegel, Varela conceives reality as formed by opposites. Each new piece seems like a variation of the one that preceded it, but in them, the old philosophical problem of change, evolution, is expressed, and also the old question of how to understand rationally that one thing, in this case a form, can change its appearance and still be the same thing. Seeing Varela's recent works and returning to Hegel, we can conclude that the "encounter" between opposites gives rise to new approaches and possibilities, as scholars of dialectics have expressed throughout the ages. Friedrich Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, 1807.
Clara Caminero K.
Independent Curator