
Space and Form

In 1998, at the time when I was beginning my search for a spelling that represented the origin as a Primary form and its possible developments in time and space, my little daughter, Monica, then 6 years old, offered me as a gift – copying the forms that I saw in my workshop – a small collage cut with scissors, of black and white paper, which today is part of this exhibition.

Like those things that are sometimes very difficult to explain in the course of the life of every artist, when he gave it to me I received it as a “revelation”, I couldn't get over the astonishment that my little daughter, in total innocence, had revealed something to me. So simple a truth that even today I find it very difficult to contextualize.

What had amazed me, and still does today, and for which I do not have well-founded logical reasons but rather purely intuitive ones, was the perfect correspondence between the cut shape and the space that emerged from this intervention. Both being now two forms, they complemented each other perfectly and absolutely.

One was the result of the other and both belonged to each other.

Those forms that had emerged from Unity now formed Duality, revealing themselves in terms of opposites: the Masculine and the Feminine. Thus, a knowledge of profound spiritual content was manifested for me.

This experience, which I could expand on much more, is what today I finally want to share with you, perhaps in the hope that someone else will be moved inside just as I was at the time.

Fernando Varela

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